Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Soya Sauce Noodles

Soya Sauce Noodles

Ingredients :

Plain Chinese noodles
2 packets
Soya sauce
4 tsp
Spring onions
Slieced into medium pieces along with the green leaves
10 tsp
2 tsp Finely chopped.
Pepper powder
2 tsp
To taste
15 cups

Method to Cook Noodles:

1.        In a wide and big vessel which can hold up to 20 cups of water add 15 cups of water and bring to boil.
2.       Once the water is boiling add the noodles.
3.       Add a tsp of salt and 2 spoons of oil.
4.       Cook for about 7 minutes.
5.       Cook till the noodles is cooked 3/4th.
6.       Now close it with a lid and Drain off the excess water.
7.       Take a Wide place and transfer the noodles on to the plate and spread it and add another 2 spoons of oil and spread it.
8.       Leave this aside to cook. This will allow the noodles to stay without sticking to each other.

Frying Method:

1.        In a Wide kadai. Heat the remaining oil .
2.       Then add the Chopped Garlic and fry for 2 mins.
3.       Then add the Chopped onions and a little of the leaves too. Keep aside the remaining greens.
4.       Once the onion is fried till transparent add the soya sauce. And reduce the flame.
5.       Immediately add the noodles and mix well.
6.       Mix well for about 2 mins. Then add the pepper powder and Mix. Also taste and check for salt.
7.       If necessary add the salt in this stage. Mix thoroughly. If necessary take the vessel off the flame and mix well.Use two forks to mix the noodles which will avoid breaking. In a rotational motion from bottom to top of the vessel.
8.       After mixing keep on the flame and stir for 2 minutes. 
9.       Sprinkle the remaining Green stalks and serve.

Note:  U can also add Capsicum to this. And adding normal onions cut into medium size cubes along with the spring onions will add taste.  But it should be cooked well till it becomes transparent. 


  1. Hey Aishu, moving from Indian to Chinese eh? good one. ll try.

  2. Sure try and let me know ur comments :)
